Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Monitoring My GAME Plan Progress

The next logical step in my GAME plan is to "reflect on whether the strategies I have chosen are working" (Cennamo, Ross, & Ertmer, 2010) and then consider the following questions:
· Are you finding the information and resources you need?
· Do you need to modify your action plan?
· What have you learned so far?
· What new questions have arisen?

The class resources and supplementary materials in this course are providing a majority of the information needed for me to successfully reach my GAME plan goals. I have also found that an enormous amount of the material in this course is information and data that will align with my curriculum and classroom goals as I work to incorporate technology into my classroom projects and assessments.

As I continue to gain information, it leads me to the investigation of what technology resources I have that are immediately available and where I can get assistance for obstacles that are in my way and will try to prevent me from reaching the goals I have established for my personal GAME plan. Dr. Ross provided information for “Using Assistive Technologies by utilizing local, regional state and organization websites that are developing lesson plans, lesson ideas, supportive websites and attending conferences or asking colleagues where I can gain additions help (Laureate Education, Inc., 2009a). This is information that will definitely help me as my effort continues.

At this particular time, I do not feel that I need to modify my action plan. I do however, realize that I must be willing to accept constructive criticism from my colleagues and use the feedback given to redirect my action plans when it is necessary.

I have learned new information about new technologies, NETS-T and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and how I can implement this in the development of new lesson plans for my content area. Also I have learned that being flexible and incorporating different types of technology to support and facilitate assessment of students’ content area learning in the classroom needs to be a priority (Laureate Education, Inc., 2009b).

One question that has come into play for my GAME plan is how to deal with my county’s policies and procedures for student use of blogs in the class. This is an area that is currently at a stand off, since there are blocks that can only be lifted officially by the technology department. I am being persistent, maybe even annoying, but only until I am successful at getting the answer I want for using blogs in the classroom since it is a positive way to increase the learning and communication process by technology use.

Cennamo, K., Ross, J. & Ertmer, P. (2010). Technology integration for meaningful classroom use: A standards-based approach. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.
Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2009a). Program Five. Meeting Students Needs With Technology, Part 1[Motion picture]. Integrating Technology Across the Content Area. Baltimore: Author.
Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2009). Program Seven. Assessing Student Learning with Technology [Motion picture]. Integrating Technology Across the Content Area. Baltimore: Author.


Mr. P said...


My schools just embraced Blogs last year on a trial basis and are open to everyone this year after long discussion with school board and technology department. It comes down to what is best for kids? Keep up the arguments and present literature form this class and others you have taken which back up your point on how technology likes Blogs help students learn and prepare them for the real world. It is better to learn these new technologies properly in school then on their own outside. Get a group of teachers and parents on your side to present at a school board or county meeting to push this through if necessary. I was involved in a similar movement at my school. Good Luck!

Good Post,


deborah.thomas5 said...

Thanks for the advice and I will certainly keep up the arguing! I think students will benefit tremendously from using a Blog site properly for educational purposes and as a new trend tool.

Rachael said...

It sounds like you are well on your way in you GAME plan. My district has just began to let us use blogs with the students. I believe that more and more schools will see the benefit of this technology so keep trying. My students enjoy the blog each week and for the most part I get complete participation.